

For the 8th edition of ANTIKE IN BASEL we are delighted to invite you to new premises. The spacious venue «Cahn Steinen» is located at just 450 m from the Antikenmuseum Basel and offers new possibilities. Notable international specialists will present a selection of fine artworks from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean – and beyond.

We welcome two guests who will give a glimpse of applied skills in conservation and dating methods of ancient artefacts. We look forward to your visit. See you soon! 

In diesem Sinne – auf bald!


It has become a lovely tradition to invite you the 7th edition of ANTIKE IN BASEL this autumn. In a group exhibition international notable specialists will present a selection of fine artworks from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean – and beyond. Evidence of art collecting can be traced back at least to Roman times. Interaction with the cultural heritage of their ancestors developed a fascination for the past then – and still does so today. Many artworks tell an exciting story about important events, political incidents or aspects of daily life. As history has shown, the human needs, fears and hopes of today’s world are not all that different from those manifested in the ancient cultures. With this in mind – see you soon!


Visit us this year at the OPUS art fair in Paris. OPUS – Ancient Arts follows in the tradition of the great fairs dedicated to ancient arts, marking a new highlight in the cultural calendars of dealers, institutions and collectors alike. OPUS – Ancient Arts takes the form of an intimate art fair, featuring a carefully curated selection of galleries showcasing their diverse specialities: Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Near-Eastern, Islamic and Pre-Columbian antiquities.


We are delighted to invite you to the 6th edition of ANTIKE IN BASEL. Our event has in the meantime established a firm position in the Swiss cultural agenda and should not be missed. Especially in times of great challenges, stable values and continuity are of major importance, just as the moments in which the soul and spirit are being nurtured by uplifting experiences. This year, 6 international and notable exhibitors will present a selection of fine artworks from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean and beyond. An encounter with ancient art and its fascinating history. See you soon – in the heart of the old town of Basel!


The Bourgogne Tribal Show is the first international art fair to be held in the countryside. In an idyllic environment and a relaxed atmosphere conducive to discovery, the Bourgogne Tribal Show offers its public a resolutely different experience. If tribal art remains at the heart of the fair, the Bourgogne Tribal Show is, more than ever, open to other artistic fields: with 7 exhibitors, classical and Egyptian antiquity is a new focus of the fair. We are looking forward to your visit!


Digitalisation does not stop at classical antiquity and we are pleased to make selected art objects from our gallery available to you in this way. By subscribing to our newsletter, you will be kept up to date and informed about newly added art objects and upcoming art fairs approximately every 3 months.


Good news: The 5th edition of the group exhibition ANTIKE IN BASEL will take place. International and notable exhibitors, most of them former participants at the Basel Ancient Art Fair (BAAF), will be presenting a selection of fine artworks from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean – and beyond.