It has become a lovely tradition to invite you the 7th edition of ANTIKE IN BASEL this autumn. In a group exhibition international notable specialists will present a selection of fine artworks from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean – and beyond. Evidence of art collecting can be traced back at least to Roman times. Interaction with the cultural heritage of their ancestors developed a fascination for the past then – and still does so today. Many artworks tell an exciting story about important events, political incidents or aspects of daily life. As history has shown, the human needs, fears and hopes of today’s world are not all that different from those manifested in the ancient cultures. With this in mind – see you soon!



The Jürgen Haering gallery situated in the historic center of Freiburg, was established in 1974 and specializes in Greek, Roman and Egyptian antiquities as well as artefacts from important cultures of the ancient Near East. The wide range of diverse objects within the collection ensures an equally wide range of clients, from museums and professional collectors as well as aficionados with a more modest budget. All objects, regardless of price, are rigorously examined and come with a guarantee of authenticity.


As a result of decades of experience, the gallery has evolved contacts with experts, museums and collectors from around the world, and participated in the important former trade fairs, such as CULTURA Basel, BAAF Basel and BAAF Brussels. Currently it attends the art fairs ANTIKE IN BASEL and BOURGOGNE TRIBAL SHOW.


The gallery is also a member of the “Kunsthändlerverband Deutschland” (KD), the “Conféderation Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d’Art” (CINOA) and the “International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art” (IADAA).
